Monday, September 30, 2013

Homemade Salsa

I love love love this salsa!!!! Perfect for all those garden veggies!!! The base recipe I use came from my mom - thanks Mom! This is a mild salsa so increase the jalapeño or add a Serrano or habenaro to make it spicy!! The recipe is very easily doubled, tripled, ect! 

After mine has cooked down, I like to throw it in the food processor to make it restaurant style. This salsa never lasts very long!!!

Homemade Salsa

4 medium tomatoes - peeled & chopped
1/2c onion - chopped
1/2c celery - chopped
1/4c bell pepper - chopped (I used orange)
1/8c olive oil
1T vinegar
2tsp sugar
1 jalapeño - chopped
2 cloves garlic - minced
1T dried cilantro

Combine all ingredients in a large saucepan. Bring to a low boil, stirring occassionally. Cook until reaches desired consistency. I cooked mine for about 2 hours. 

This makes around 2 quarts - more or less depending on how juicy the tomatoes are & how much you cook it down! You can process in canning jars or let cool & keep in the fridge! 

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